Tag: Ballet

In the Dance Foyer [Edgar Degas, 1884, from Mary Cassatt Retrospective] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2552 px
In the Dance Foyer [Edgar Degas, 1895-1898, from Mary Cassatt Retrospective] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2412 px
Fantastic ballet [James Ensor, 1918, from James Ensor Exhibition Catalogue 1983-84] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3904 px
Lilac Garden #1 [Yuji Hayata,  from ARS CAMERA December 1954] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4008 px
Lilac Garden #2 [Yuji Hayata,  from ARS CAMERA December 1954] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4056 px
Lilac Garden #3 [Yuji Hayata,  from ARS CAMERA December 1954] Thumbnail Images
3684 x 4800 px
Serge Lifar’s Rehersal [Ihei Kimura, 1952, from Select Pictures by Ihei Kimura] Thumbnail Images
3580 x 4800 px
Colette Marchand and Milorad Miskovitch [Gen Otsuka,  from Asahi Camera March 1955] Thumbnail Images
3928 x 4800 px
Coppélia [Gen Otsuka,  from Asahi Camera February 1953] Thumbnail Images
4024 x 4800 px
Ballet “Paradise Lost” #1 [Kagi Mihori,  from Asahi Camera September 1952] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3588 px
Ballet “Paradise Lost” #2 [Kagi Mihori,  from Asahi Camera September 1952] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3596 px
rantings   (1)
Waltz in Light Blue [Kashō Takabatake,  from Catalogue of Takabatake Kashō Taisho Roman Museum] Thumbnail Images
1572 x 4800 px
Afternoon of a Faun (Serge Lifar) [Kagi Mihori,  from Asahi Camera January 1953] Thumbnail Images
3440 x 4800 px
Negative Film Magic [Masaru Kano,  from Shashin Salon September 1956] Thumbnail Images
3236 x 4800 px
At the Ballet Training Studio [Junko Sekimoto,  from Nippon Camera September 1953] Thumbnail Images
3712 x 4800 px
Ballerina [Hiroshi Furuse,  from Nippon Camera September 1953] Thumbnail Images
3716 x 4800 px
Ballet “Streetcar named Desire” [Takamasa Inamura,  from Asahi Camera September 1953] Thumbnail Images
3300 x 4800 px
Mya Slavenska Ballet [Gen Otsuka,  from Asahi Camera September 1953] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3600 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators