Tag: Sit (on the chair)

Mrs. Robert S. Cassatt, the Artist’s Mother [Mary Cassatt, 1889, from Mary Cassatt Retrospective] Thumbnail Images
3364 x 4800 px
Portrait of Marie-Louise Durand-Ruel [Mary Cassatt, from Mary Cassatt Retrospective] Thumbnail Images
5340 x 6400 px
James Wyatt and his granddaughter Mary Wyatt [John Everett Millais, from John Everett Millais Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
3376 x 4800 px
A Yeoman of the Guard [John Everett Millais, 1876, from John Everett Millais Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
5192 x 6400 px
Hearts are Trumps: Portraits of Elizabeth, Diana, and Mary, Daughters of Walter Armstrong [John Everett Millais, 1872, from John Everett Millais Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 4756 px
Thomas Oldham Barlow [John Everett Millais, 1886, from John Everett Millais Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 5536 px
Portrait of Vasily E. Repin [Ilya Repin, 1867, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3500 x 4800 px
Portrait of an Old Woman [Ilya Repin, 1871-1873, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3676 x 4800 px
Mokichi Saitō [Ken Domon, 1951, from Fūbō] Thumbnail Images
3488 x 4800 px
Portrait of Vera I. Repina in Her Childhood [Ilya Repin, 1874, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
4020 x 4800 px
“A Rest” Portrait of Vera A Repina, Wife of the Painter [Ilya Repin, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
2988 x 4800 px
Yukio Ozaki [Ken Domon, 1951, from Fūbō] Thumbnail Images
3488 x 4800 px
Portrait of Tatyana A. Maraontova [Ilya Repin, 1882, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3604 x 4800 px
A Cook [Ilya Repin, 1881, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3788 x 4800 px
Portrait of Yuliya B. Repman [Ilya Repin, 1881, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
4236 x 4800 px
Portrait of the Actress Pelageya A. Strepetova in the Role of Elizaveta [Ilya Repin, 1881, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3580 x 4800 px
Portrait of Composer Cesar Antonovich Cui [Ilya Repin, 1890, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3656 x 4800 px
Portrait of the Writer Leo N. Tolstoy [Ilya Repin, 1887, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3380 x 4800 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators