Tag: Music

Awa Dance Festival [Kitano Tsunetomi, c.1930, from Kitano Tunetomi Exhibition: 70th anniversary of his death] Thumbnail Images
2588 x 5600 px
Awa Dance Festival [Kitano Tsunetomi, c.1930, from Kitano Tunetomi Exhibition: 70th anniversary of his death] Thumbnail Images
1880 x 5600 px
Awa Dance Festival [Kitano Tsunetomi, c.1930, from Kitano Tunetomi Exhibition: 70th anniversary of his death] Thumbnail Images
1832 x 5600 px
Relaxation (Raymond Gallois-Montbrun and Geneviève Joy) [Shoji Otake,  from Asahi Camera May 1952] Thumbnail Images
3200 x 4000 px
Pianist Joy (Geneviève Joy) [Takamasa Inamura,  from Asahi Camera May 1952] Thumbnail Images
3130 x 4000 px
Illustration for the Old Testament Stories, 5. Song of David [Shigeru Aoki, 1906, from AOKI Shigeru: Myth, Sea and Love] Thumbnail Images
4604 x 6400 px
Spring [Shigeru Aoki, 1908, from AOKI Shigeru: Myth, Sea and Love] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 6380 px
Autumn [Shigeru Aoki, 1908, from AOKI Shigeru: Myth, Sea and Love] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 6364 px
Les Colombes [Jules Chéret, 1921, from Jules Chéret Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 5604 px
Les Jeux: Tambour et Clairon [Jules Chéret,  from Jules Chéret Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
2048 x 6400 px
L’Eventail [Jules Chéret,  from Jules Chéret Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2319 px
La Sérénad [Jules Chéret,  from Jules Chéret Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
2511 x 4800 px
Portrait of the Pianist Sophie Menter [Ilya Repin, 1887, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4320 px
At the Piano [Ilya Repin, 1905, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
3092 x 4800 px
A Christmas Carol [Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1857-1858, from Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Art Museum] Thumbnail Images
4220 x 4800 px
Odalisque with a Slave [Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1839-1840, from Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Art Museum] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3416 px
A Sea Spell [Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1875-1877, from Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Art Museum] Thumbnail Images
3932 x 4800 px
Page 193 Illustration from Tatsumi Kōdan by Izumi Kyōka [Komura Settai, from Hanga Geijutsu no.146] Thumbnail Images
3136 x 4800 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators