Tag: Moon

Spring Night [Motoichi Nishio,  from The World’s Photographic Masterpieces 1939] Thumbnail Images
3156 x 4000 px
The Eighth Month  [Unsigned, 1764-1772, from Musees Royaux d’Art Et d’Histoire, Brussels] Thumbnail Images
3452 x 4800 px
The Autumn Moon at Atago-yama, from the Eight Famous Views of Edo series [Keisai Eisen, 1844-1848, from Musees Royaux d’Art Et d’Histoire, Brussels] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 4092 px
A Deer Belling under the Moon [Kawai Gyokudō, 1901, from Kawai Gyokudo: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his passing] Thumbnail Images
3740 x 6400 px
Returning Home under the Moon [Kawai Gyokudō, 1907, from Kawai Gyokudo: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his passing] Thumbnail Images
2456 x 6400 px
Summer Evening Riverside [Kawai Gyokudō, 1950, from Kawai Gyokudo: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his passing] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 4752 px
The Evening Moon [Kawai Gyokudō, from Kawai Gyokudo: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his passing] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 5012 px
Boats at Anchor in Moonlight [Shigeru Aoki, 1908, from AOKI Shigeru: Myth, Sea and Love] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 4556 px
Long-legged man, long-armed man, monkey and lobster [Kawanabe Kyosai, 1871-1889, from This is Kyōsai!] Thumbnail Images
1276 x 4800 px
Hippolyta. “Four days will quickly steep themselves in night.” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) [William Heath Robinson, 1914, from The Fantastic Paintings of Charles & William Heath Robinson] Thumbnail Images
3576 x 4800 px
Bottom. “Why do they turn away? This is knavery of them to make me afeared.” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) [William Heath Robinson, 1914, from The Fantastic Paintings of Charles & William Heath Robinson] Thumbnail Images
3548 x 4800 px
Moonlight [Kashō Takabatake, 1932-1933, from Kashō Takabatake Masterpiece Collection] Thumbnail Images
3812 x 4800 px
Dream of Roses [Kashō Takabatake, 1930, from Kashō Takabatake Masterpiece Collection] Thumbnail Images
3076 x 4800 px
Mt. Penglai (Left) [Yokoyama Taikan, 1900, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3048 px
Autumn Moon [Yokoyama Taikan, 1900, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
2616 x 4800 px
The Moon at Chipi [Yokoyama Taikan, 1913, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
1720 x 4800 px
Winds [Kanzan Shimomura, 1908, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
2096 x 4800 px
Hazy Moon [Kanzan Shimomura, c.1919, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
1912 x 4800 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators