Tag: Fishing Village

At A Fishing Village [Masaichi Kudo,  from Nippon Camera February 1956] Thumbnail Images
2700 x 4000 px
Seagulls #3 [Naotoshi Tejima, 1951, from Asahi Camera May 1952] Thumbnail Images
4000 x 3232 px
Fishing Village in New Year [Kawai Gyokudō, 1939, from Kawai Gyokudo: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his passing] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 4808 px
Drizzling Rain [Kawai Gyokudō, 1949, from Kawai Gyokudo: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his passing] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 5016 px
The Seashore in Late Autumn [Kawai Gyokudō, 1952, from Kawai Gyokudo: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his passing] Thumbnail Images
6400 x 4944 px
Fishing Village in the Evening Glow (Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang) [Yokoyama Taikan, 1916, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
1832 x 4800 px
rantings   (1)
Souvenirs of My Travels, 2nd Series : Aikawamachi, Sado [Hasui Kawase, from Kawase Hasui 130th Anniversary Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3164 px
The Beach at Kamakura [Theodore Wores,  from The Art of Theodore Wores: Japan’s Beauty Comes Home] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3648 px
Eventide [Fujio Inamura,  from Asahi Camera April 1956] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2984 px
Murotsu [Kawanishi Hide,  from One Hundred Scenes of Hyogo II] Thumbnail Images
4320 x 4800 px
New Year’s Fishing Village [1956, from Asahi Camera July 1956] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3276 px
Fishing Port Scenery [Kazu Ikeda,  from Asahi Camera February 1938] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3476 px
Windy Day [Shotaro Michi,  from Shashin Salon May 1956] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3212 px
Sea Breeze [Kazuo Kubota, 1949, from Asahi Camera November 1949] Thumbnail Images
3284 x 4800 px
Senbonhama Beach, “Mt. Fuji through Four Seasons” [Takahashi Shōtei, 1929, from Shotei Takahashi: His Life and Works] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3088 px
Onjuku [Masajiro Sakai,  from Asahi Camera May 1935] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3968 px
Scenery with Fish Beach [Toshikazu Konishi,  from Asahi Camera November 1938] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3960 px
Breeze [Shozaburo Kawano,  from Asahi Camera October 1938] Thumbnail Images
4000 x 4800 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators