Tag: Crying

The Artist Attending the Mourning of a Young Girl [John Everett Millais, 1847, from John Everett Millais Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3432 px
The Order of Release, 1746 [John Everett Millais, 1852-1853, from John Everett Millais Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
4560 x 6400 px
Seeing Off a Recruit [Ilya Repin, 1882, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3608 px
Seeing Off a Recruit [Ilya Repin, 1879, from Ilya Repin: Master Works from The State Tretyakov Gallery] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2976 px
Merry Drinker, Sentimental Drinker, and Vicious Drinker [Kanzan Shimomura, c.1919, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4192 px
11th Repatiriation from Red China [Yasuhiro Minamimura,  from Asahi Shimbun News Photography 1956] Thumbnail Images
3752 x 4800 px
Children’s Bodies Still Missig [Takane Fujiki,  from Asahi Shimbun News Photography 1956] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3356 px
Mother and Victim [Shigeru Fukuda,  from Asahi Shimbun News Photography 1956] Thumbnail Images
3412 x 4800 px
Fisherwomen Protest Syngman Rhee Line [Kenji Okamatsu,  from Asahi Shimbun News Photography 1956] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3096 px
Babes in the Wood (A Child’s Book of Stories by Penrhyn W. Coussens) [Jessie Willcox Smith, 1911, from Jessie Willcox Smith: American Illustrator] Thumbnail Images
3480 x 4800 px
Holding onto the banisters, she put him gently away (Little Women by Louisa May Alcott) [Jessie Willcox Smith, 1915, from Jessie Willcox Smith: American Illustrator] Thumbnail Images
3024 x 4800 px
MIEJI: Maple-Leaf Viewing (Momijigari) [Utagawa Kuniyoshi,  from The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido] Thumbnail Images
4024 x 6000 px
The Courtesan Umegawa, Chûbei of the Courier Firm, and Magoemon, from the series Models of Love Talk: Clouds Form over the Moon [Kitagawa Utamaro, 1800, from Ukiyo-e shuka; Museum of Fine Arts Boston III] Thumbnail Images
3972 x 6000 px
Aburaya Osome and Kogai Hisamatsu, from the series Models of Love Talk: Clouds Form over the Moon [Kitagawa Utamaro, 1800, from Ukiyo-e shuka; Museum of Fine Arts Boston III] Thumbnail Images
3980 x 6000 px
Crying Child [Kazumitsu Yoshinari,  from Shashin Salon August 1937] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4768 px
Plate 12 (The little man scolds children for starting a fire) [Elsa Beskow,  from The Children of Hat Cottage] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2412 px
Lachrymae [Frederic Leighton, 1895, from Frederick Lord Leighton] Thumbnail Images
1888 x 4800 px
Plate 1 (Petter, Lotta, Uncle Blue and Three Aunts Making a Swallow’s Grave) [Elsa Beskow,  from Uncle Blue’s New Boat] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3584 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators