Tag: Cow

Ge Hong Moving His Residence [Tomioka Tessai, 1911, from Tomioka Tessai; The Complete Works of Modern Japanese Art 1] Thumbnail Images
1896 x 6400 px
Girl Minding Cows by the Waterside [Camille Pissarro, 1879, from Mary Cassatt Retrospective] Thumbnail Images
3176 x 4800 px
Cows [Tetsuo Kasai,  from The World’s Photographic Masterpieces 1939] Thumbnail Images
4000 x 3384 px
In the Forest #1 (Wetzlar) [Ihei Kimura,  from Nippon Camera February 1956] Thumbnail Images
2668 x 4000 px
Mobilize All the People and Organizations: The 2nd Three-Year Plan for the Expansion of the Industrial Union [Hisui Sugiura, 1937, from Hisui Sugiura: A Retrospective] Thumbnail Images
3252 x 4800 px
Duonenary animals [Kawahara Keiga,  from Catalogue of the Exhibition of Keiga Kawahara] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2944 px
The Bull Market [Théodore Géricault, 1817, from Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Art Museum] Thumbnail Images
4032 x 4800 px
Driving the Buffalos Homewards [Yokoyama Taikan, 1897, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2660 px
Returning Wild Geese (Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang) [Yokoyama Taikan, 1916, from TAIKAN and KANZAN] Thumbnail Images
1844 x 4800 px
Plate 4 (Little little milk cow ) [Elsa Beskow,  from Tale of the Little Little Old Woman] Thumbnail Images
4640 x 4800 px
Plate 5 (Little little old woman milking a cow) [Elsa Beskow,  from Tale of the Little Little Old Woman] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4724 px
Dusk at Aso (Outer Crater)  [Hasui Kawase, 1948, from Kawase Hasui 130th Anniversary Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
6000 x 3948 px
rantings   (1)
Der Jüngling mit den Tieren [Edgar Ende, 1936, from EDGAR ENDE & MICHAEL ENDE] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3724 px
rantings   (1)
Die Rindertürme [Edgar Ende, 1957, from EDGAR ENDE & MICHAEL ENDE] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3712 px
Der Stier und die Traube [Edgar Ende, 1953, from EDGAR ENDE & MICHAEL ENDE] Thumbnail Images
3664 x 4800 px
Bullfight [Taro Furukaki,  from Camera Mainichi July 1956] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3188 px
Seioeing the Ox [John Singer Sargent, c.1906-1910, from Sargemt Exhibition] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3732 px
Cowherd [Tatsujiro Takahata,  from Camera Mainichi June 1954] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3412 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators