Tag: Chick

Ducks [Saburo Masaki,  from The World’s Photographic Masterpieces 1939] Thumbnail Images
4000 x 3288 px
Ducklings [John Everett Millais, 1889, from John Everett Millais Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
3940 x 6400 px
Seagulls #1 [Naotoshi Tejima, 1951, from Asahi Camera May 1952] Thumbnail Images
3016 x 4000 px
Oriental Stork (Toyooka) [Kawanishi Hide,  from One Hundred Scenes of Hyogo II] Thumbnail Images
4300 x 4800 px
Chicks [Yoshida Hiroshi, 1929, from Hiroshi Yoshida Exhibition – Refreshingly Original and Lyrical: A Master of Modern Landscape Painting] Thumbnail Images
3576 x 4800 px
Bamboo Grove [Yoshida Hiroshi, 1939, from Hiroshi Yoshida Exhibition – Refreshingly Original and Lyrical: A Master of Modern Landscape Painting] Thumbnail Images
3164 x 4800 px
Eudocimus albus [Mark Catesby,  from Mark Catesby’s Natural History of America] Thumbnail Images
3588 x 4800 px
It was Tommy who said,  “The sweet spring-time is come [Kate Greenaway,  from Under the Window] Thumbnail Images
3560 x 4800 px
rantings   (1)
Plate 2 (Uncle Blue scolds a boy for trying to steal pears) [Elsa Beskow,  from Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3412 px
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Chickens [Kashō Takabatake,  from Catalogue of Takabatake Kashō Taisho Roman Museum] Thumbnail Images
3000 x 4800 px
Plate 6 (A Boy Asks Another his Grandmother to Spin a Thread) [Elsa Beskow,  from Pelle’s New Suit] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3540 px
Plate 20 (Bird Chicks and Hedgehog Kids Listening to the Story of the Owl Teacher) [Elsa Beskow,  from Children of the Forest] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 1148 px
Plate 30 (Spirit Family Living Happily in the Forest) [Elsa Beskow,  from Children of the Forest] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3492 px
rantings   (1)
Young Ducks [Takeuchi Seihō, c.1937, from Takeuchi Seiho: Masterpiece Collection] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4188 px
Brown-headed Thrush [Tomoo Rouyama, 1954, from Asahi Camera February 1956] Thumbnail Images
3360 x 4800 px
Egret Chicks [Koji Tsukamoto,  from Asahi Camera April 1937] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3428 px
Japanese Night Herons [Yukiyasu Kiyosu,  from Camera Mainichi October 1955] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4188 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators