Tag: Bathing

The Bath (The Tub) [Mary Cassatt, 1890-1891, from Mary Cassatt Retrospective] Thumbnail Images
3684 x 4800 px
Hot Spring [Shigeru Aoki, 1910, from AOKI Shigeru: Myth, Sea and Love] Thumbnail Images
3276 x 6400 px
rantings   (2)
Hōshi Onsen, Jyōsyū [Hasui Kawase, 1933, from Kawase Hasui 130th Anniversary Exhibition Catalogue] Thumbnail Images
3968 x 6000 px
Osen #4 [Komura Settai, 1933, from Komura Setsudai Exhibition Catalog (1983)] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3384 px
Standard Plumbing Fixtures (Advertisement from Century, June 1924) [Jessie Willcox Smith, 1924, from Jessie Willcox Smith: American Illustrator] Thumbnail Images
3576 x 4800 px
Japanese woman in her bath, July 4. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
3320 x 4800 px
Poem by Fujiwara no Yoshitaka, from the series One Hundred Poems Explained by the Nurse [Katsushika Hokusai,  from Meihin Soroimono Ukiyo-e 9: Hokusai II] Thumbnail Images
6000 x 3920 px
URAWA: Fishseller Danshichi (Uoya Danshichi) [Utagawa Kuniyoshi,  from The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido] Thumbnail Images
4036 x 6000 px
THE BATHERS [Jean-Honoré Fragonard,  from Fragonard] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3784 px
Plate 7 (Children washing their soot-covered bodies in the lake) [Elsa Beskow,  from The Children of Hat Cottage] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2908 px
The Bath of Psyche [Frederic Leighton, 1890, from Frederick Lord Leighton] Thumbnail Images
1468 x 4800 px
Child [Hiroshi Tojima,  from ARS Camera February 1937] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4016 px
Meadow Wee River: Powlet, VT [Howard Chandler Christy, 1946, from The Great American Illustrators] Thumbnail Images
4140 x 4800 px
Hot Spring (In Syuzenji) [Hiromitsu Nakazawa, 1925, from Nakazawa Hiromitsu: Retrospective Exhibition of Commemorating the 140th Anniversaly of the Artist’s Birth] Thumbnail Images
2564 x 4800 px
Bathing [Shuzaburo Abe,  from Asahi Camera December 1939] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 4012 px
Water Gun [Kashō Takabatake,  from Catalogue of Takabatake Kashō Taisho Roman Museum] Thumbnail Images
1768 x 4800 px
rantings   (2)
Yamauba and Kintaro – Taking a Bath [Utamaro Kitagawa,  from Utamaro – Ukiyo-e Meisaku Senshū II] Thumbnail Images
3232 x 4800 px
Bathing a Gladiator (Grand Champion Terukuni) [Yoshikatsu Sugano,  from Asahi Camera February 1952] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3944 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators