Category: Georges Ferdinand Bigot

Death of Otoyo in the Doté Sanbancho district, Tokyo, October 23, 1885. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3384 px
Georges Bigot and his model, topless [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2228 px
Portrait of O-Ren, young girl [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
3184 x 4800 px
Hôtel Matsuya, Ozawa. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3280 px
Promenade champêtre. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2592 px
Major Japanese maneuvers around Utsunomiya. The Imperial Guard. October 23, 1893. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 2852 px
Travel by palanquin. August 28, 1886. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3576 px
Tsutaya Inn in Umagaeshi, near Nikkô. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3328 px
New Year’s Day. Shimekazari merchants: ornaments, woven straws. December 30, 1886. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
3240 x 4800 px
Firefighters in front of the French Legation in Tokyo, January 4, 1887 [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
3836 x 4800 px
Profile of woman in kimono. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
3868 x 4800 px
Matsuya Inn in Takenoshita, May 2, 1887. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3576 px
Nichiren bonze festival at ikegami temple, October 12. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4704 x 4800 px
Japanese interior by Georges Bigot in Kami-nibanchô n°13, October 15. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3368 px
Peasant women with their children, crossing paths to Narita. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
2336 x 4800 px
At the village of Kami-tokujiro, on the road to Nikkô, September. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3256 px
Kôjimachi Street in Tokyo, May 19. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3220 px
Georges Bigot’s house at Kaminibanchô n°13, Tokyo. [Georges Ferdinand Bigot,  from Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon] Thumbnail Images
4800 x 3352 px
Photographers, Painters, Illustrators